3. Batch Mode

ImageFuser has a "Batch Mode". This batch mode enables you to Enfuse (and Align_image_stack) large amounts of bracketed photos without user intervention using the defaults of the program(s). You start with selecting a folder containing your images. You can additionally add more (sub)folders to this set. There are two prerequisites:

  1. The images should be alphabetically ordered.
  2. The bracketed sets should all contain the same amount of source images, e.g. all sets should be groups of 3, groups of 4, etc.

3.1 Step 1: Select a folder

From the menu select "Options -> Simple batch". A file dialog will open enabling you to select a folder. (You can't select files, only folders). Once you have selected a folder, the following panel will be displayed.

Once you are ready, you click "Batch Enfuse" or "Batch HDR". The following dialog will open.

3.2 Step 2: Give a name to your images

This dialog gives you a couple of options as how you want your resulting images to be named.
  1. <prefix><separated by><autonumber>
  2. <first image name><separated by><last image name>
  3. <prefix><separated by><first image name><separated by><last image name>
<prefix> is a name that can be freely chosen.
<separated by> can be a - (hyphen), _ (underscore), . (point) or nothing.

When you click the "Continue" button ImageFuser will process all image sets.
When you click "Cancel" you will be brought back to the batch panel.

© 2008-2010, Harry van der Wolf